Monday, January 7, 2019

Aitsu ni Heart Ni Hi Wo Tsukero! (Spoiler Alert)

Aitsu ni Heart Ni Hi Wo Tsukero! (Yaoi) which is created by Mizuna Mai and it was released in 2003.
Genre: Yaoi
Status: Complete

The story is all about that cutie (uke) wanting to sing but it was greatly opposed by his father. And one day, he couldn't stand his parents anymore, he runs away from home. 

He was sitting at a part in front of an apartment or condo may be? It started to rain but that guy over there (Seme) found him. He was drenched and homeless. Our Uke is arguing Seme until he lost consciousness because of a high fever. The Seme brought him at his apartment.

When the uke wakes up, he saw the guy who brought him and asked him if he can stay in his apartment. At first, the Seme is reluctant to accept because the uke is minor. 

The Uke was happy and worked in the Seme's company. A lot of things happened that causes his life to be more interesting.

Definitely worth the read and I hope you will enjoy it as I did.

The story maybe a little cliche but it's okay. I love it and I hope you will do so. 


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